FANCY whale watching in the UK?
here’s where you’ll have the best chance of spotting them
The most sustainable and responsible way to go whale watching in the UK is from land. This is where The Hebridean Whale Trail comes in, the first of its kind in the UK to offer a unique whale watching experience from the land of the West Coast of Scotland. It’s a unique whale watching experience and an amazing opportunity to catch a glimpse of these beautiful mammals. Although sightings can never be guaranteed, more than a quarter of the world’s whale and dolphin species have been spotted in the region!
For more information about transportation options, route and more details you can head to www.whaletrail.org

The UK’s smallest and most common whale, the minke whale can be found around January to December on the coast of South-West Cornwall. They are usually spotted alone or in small groups and have been known for being inquisitive around boats. They also prefer shallow waters which means that you can often see them from land.
Scotland was voted in 2018 by Wanderlust travel magazine as one of the world’s 12 best locations to go whale watching alongside locations such as Iceland, Mexico and Canada. If you visit the Shetland Islands there is the possibility of seeing large pods of orca, an incredible sight! Recently there have been regular sightings of humpback whales feeding and breaching here too. We’d recommend checking The Shetland Orca Sightings Facebook Page for up to date whale sightings tips.

Every summer whales arrive off the coast of Whitby to feed on herring. In the last couple of years there have been numerous sightings of Fin, Minke, Sei and Humpback whales alongside many other animals including sharks, birds and seals. To get the opportunity to see these amazing mammals up close and personal you can book with Whitby Whale Watching for your cruise.
If you fancy going whale watching in the UK, please do make sure that the operator you are booking with is WiSE accredited. You can find a list on this website, which means they have been approved for limiting disturbance on the wildlife and operating safe and sustainable trips.
We’d love to feature your whale sightings, so please do send in any photos you have to info@travellingwhale.com